martedì 19 marzo 2013

Gallinara 3D

Gallinara 3d gives the possibility to watch seabeds morphology 3d reconstruction using the device's gyroscope and accelerometer, to give a more immersive user experience. 
The user is positioned inside the model based on its GPS position.
Other cartographic layers and other info contents can be projected on the seabed model.

sabato 31 marzo 2012

Cities AR

iOS application showing an interactive augmented map of the Genova city center.
The user can highlight different points of interest (restaurants, churches, museums, hotels, etc.)
and browse other useful tourist informations.

lunedì 14 novembre 2011

VIDEO Ponente 3d

This is a realtime 3d visualizer we developed using UNITY. It shows the marine species you can find exploring the western ligurian sea depths. Its based on the data collected over a year of underwater surveys and was made for outreach and educational purposes.

More animated species are coming up!

more about us on:
(italian but lot of pics)

...please give us feedback!

venerdì 4 novembre 2011



 Ecco a voi Clifford, eroe del fumetto X-Nerd
Inquadrando con la webcam o con lo smartphone il marker presente sul retro dell'albo 
potrete ammirare Clifford nello splendore delle 3 dimensioni aumentate!!!